I guess that you must be happy with what you are doing, if not you would have changed what you do ……. Wouldn’t you?
It’s not my place, or anyone else’s, to judge what you do with your life. Your life is your responsibility, not anyone else’s, because that ended when you were born.
I would, however make an observation on something I read in a martial arts club advertisement, it read, ‘The few who do are the envy of the many who only sit and watch’. Perhaps we can more easily relate that to watching Olympic athletes or explorer, adventurers etc, … the ‘few’ that entertain us on our TVs while we sit on our backsides and let that exciting real life slip by us un-noticed. ……”Did you see so and so on TV last night?” … “Oh, yeh, wasn’t it great, didn’t they do well, I’d love to be like them.”
Perhaps you could be.
How do you view your presence on this planet, how do you view your interaction with other life on Earth, and how to you view your connection with the stars, the Universe?
‘You came not into this World but from it, you are not a stranger here’; recognise the quote?
Nothing is exactly how you think it is, mostly your reality is one you have constructed in your own mind for yourself; much of it is mere illusion … think about it….. but don’t wait for someone else to explain it, think for yourself.
Well, if you change the way you look at things, the things you look at will change.
Following are a couple of simple physical ones to get you started – if you so wish of course, and if you are willing to stand up … it is your choice, your life to do with as you will.
So, for the few that are still reading and are now standing, consider this.
Stand, naturally, comfortably and quietly …. Feel that you are standing on the Earth; ask your body, “What does it feel like to stand upon the Earth?” Don’t rush; wait for the ‘reply’. Now, without moving, simply change the way you are looking at things, imagine that you stand not on the Earth but that the Earth is supporting you; the Earth holds you up, supports and raises you. Ask your body once again, “what does it feel like to be supported by the Earth” Once again wait for the reply, there’s no rush … .
Before you sit down again, please try another. Feel that you are standing on your legs; sense the feeling for a few moments, now change how you look at things and feel that you are standing in your legs not on them. Feel the difference? If you have, then now you have a choice on how to feel.
Remember, nothing is just as you think it is, consider the illusion of reality you have previously made for yourself.
Perhaps you will act upon what you have read here and perhaps not, you still have the choice, you can take responsibility for your own destiny. Whatever you think your fist instinctive sense was most likely correct …. After that the mind gets involved and it’s all down hill from there. Happy choices to you.