Simple photos and simpler captions - to amuse . . .
me mostly !
You will find other captions in the philosophical page

Images and pictures with captions, photographs with words,
some philosophical, some amusing, some silly.
Aphorisms, proverbs, adages, call them what you will, when combined with an interesting image, they are often worthy of a moment's thought.
At times, that may be all you have.
some philosophical, some amusing, some silly.
Aphorisms, proverbs, adages, call them what you will, when combined with an interesting image, they are often worthy of a moment's thought.
At times, that may be all you have.

A brilliant but little known author attempts a desperate and spurious link between
Kingsley, Westward Ho! and Devon author Richard Small.
Latest from the
'clutching straws advertising agency'

To Blighty Bound.
On my return, from Budapest,
my train stopped in Vienna.
If I now told you all the rest,
I’d have to charge a tenner.
On my return, from Budapest,
my train stopped in Vienna.
If I now told you all the rest,
I’d have to charge a tenner.

The wise man leads you not to enter the house of
his own wisdom but
leads you to the threshold of your own learning.
Kahlil Gibran

Keeping the way.
We all, that walk this path, shall find
Sharp thorns, that seek to tear and bind.
When darkness falls, the way seems long,
But trouble not, our minds are strong.
With hearts of oak and faith that’s blind
We’ll find at last, this path is kind.
We all, that walk this path, shall find
Sharp thorns, that seek to tear and bind.
When darkness falls, the way seems long,
But trouble not, our minds are strong.
With hearts of oak and faith that’s blind
We’ll find at last, this path is kind.

When I was a child, I was told that if you find the end of a rainbow you will find a pot of gold. It was quite some years before I realised that the rainbow moves as you approach. You can only be at the end of someone else's rainbow, never your own.
How annoying . . . but an interesting lesson -
even if it does take a life time to sink in.
How annoying . . . but an interesting lesson -
even if it does take a life time to sink in.

Just for fun,
You might know the story of Pavlov's dog, how different are we when the mobile ring tone calls? How we panic to find the phone, to press the key, to see the message.
At least some of the time Pavlov's dog received a biscuit, ours is probably spam!
You might know the story of Pavlov's dog, how different are we when the mobile ring tone calls? How we panic to find the phone, to press the key, to see the message.
At least some of the time Pavlov's dog received a biscuit, ours is probably spam!

Some people enjoy a tall tale of far away lands.
For amusement only . . . it's not true, or at least I don't think it is.
Some people enjoy a tall tale of far away lands.
For amusement only . . . it's not true, or at least I don't think it is.

There is a lot in this book for young and old alike.
Your soul knows no age.

A few of the essential tools of the dedicated writer, also invaluable for proof reading - your own work in particular.

Click on photo to enlarge. . .
unless you have truly remarkable eye sight !

Wild life in the garden . . . in more ways than one. Every pigeon has its story.